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资源说明:USBpwn source code for Windows hosts
USBpwn Windows host

The purpose of this program is to send any (text or binary) file using the LEDs
on the keyboard (Num, Caps and Scroll lock). It uses standard C and Win32 API
calls and can be run without administrative privileges. The protocol used is
the following, implemented in `send_frame`:

 - the Num and Caps lock state is set to the first two bits to send (in this order)
 - the Scroll lock is turned on
 - the program waits for a newline
 - the Scroll lock is turned off

In other words, Scroll lock is used as a "clock signal", and at raising edge,
the two other LEDs can be sampled for data. The newline (that can be achieved
by the Enter/Return key) is the acknowledgement signal, making the protocol
fully synchronous. For example, sending the bits `1101` can be done in the
following way:

	   NUM ____/
	  CAPS _______________________/
	                ______            ______
	SCROLL ________/      \__________/      \_____
	                  01                11

Bits are sent from LSB to MSB by `send_byte`, n bytes are sent from 0 to n-1 by
`send_bytes`. The main program sends the length of the transmission in bytes
using ASCII characters, surrounded by two dashes (`--`) before the raw data.


	> host filename.bin


As only standard APIs are used, any decent C compiler can be used. The
`Makefile` takes care of dependencies, you just have to set the compiler
used, if you'd like to cross-compile, like me. For example, I used the
following commands to compile it under Debian Wheezy:

	# apt-get install mingw32
	$ CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc make


The whole project is under MIT license.
