资源说明:USBpwn source code for Windows hosts
USBpwn Windows host =================== The purpose of this program is to send any (text or binary) file using the LEDs on the keyboard (Num, Caps and Scroll lock). It uses standard C and Win32 API calls and can be run without administrative privileges. The protocol used is the following, implemented in `send_frame`: - the Num and Caps lock state is set to the first two bits to send (in this order) - the Scroll lock is turned on - the program waits for a newline - the Scroll lock is turned off In other words, Scroll lock is used as a "clock signal", and at raising edge, the two other LEDs can be sampled for data. The newline (that can be achieved by the Enter/Return key) is the acknowledgement signal, making the protocol fully synchronous. For example, sending the bits `1101` can be done in the following way: __________________________________ NUM ____/ _______________ CAPS _______________________/ ______ ______ SCROLL ________/ \__________/ \_____ 01 11 Bits are sent from LSB to MSB by `send_byte`, n bytes are sent from 0 to n-1 by `send_bytes`. The main program sends the length of the transmission in bytes using ASCII characters, surrounded by two dashes (`--`) before the raw data. Usage ----- > host filename.bin Compiling --------- As only standard APIs are used, any decent C compiler can be used. The `Makefile` takes care of dependencies, you just have to set the compiler used, if you'd like to cross-compile, like me. For example, I used the following commands to compile it under Debian Wheezy: # apt-get install mingw32 $ CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc make License ------- The whole project is under MIT license.