资源说明:This project looks at religious attendance data of NLSY-97 in the Multilevel Modeling framework. Completed as a class project for MLM class in Fall 2012 Kris Preacher course at Vanderbilt.
## National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997 # Worship Attendance Data ======================================================== databank = NLSY97_Religion_10242012 (source,keyword,date of retrieval) ## Wide structure of NLSY97 data (variables/Figure_1_Wide.png) ## Long structure of NLSY97 data (variables/Figure_2_Long.png) Documenting the import of data from NLSY Web-Investigator ======================================================== ## Databanks databanks have a form of *SOURCE_IDENTIFIER_DATE* in this case *NLSY-97_Religion_24102012* This tagset was saved from the NLSY Web-Investigator having variables ordered according to the *QName and Year* # The folder "databank" in "NLYS97_Religiosity_24102012" repository contains 1.zipfile downloaded from the NLSY Web-Investigator 2.folder containing the unziped download. The files in the folder are standard options provided by the NLSY investigator download menu. 3.Sas code calling in the data from the .dat file. 4.An Excel template that helps recode the names of the variables. ### Opinions Theis collection of articles, blogs, and unofficial documentation should help provide context for what we're trying to do with our workflow. https://github.com/OuhscCcanMiechvEvaluation/MReporting/blob/master/DocumentationGlobal/ResourcesOpinions.md