文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Implementation of the Ghost word game. Users play against a computer that uses an optimal winning algorithm. GUI and command-line versions available.

Implementation of the Ghost word game. Users play against a computer that uses an optimal winning algorithm.

##Text-Based Version 1.0
1. Create an executable by compiling Ghost.java.  
2. Run the executable to play.

##GUI Version 0.1
Still in construction. Can be played once by running Ghost.jar. Re-run to play again.  

- The game currently takes only the first character of the textfield input.  
- The textfield currently doesn't clear automatically upon entering input.

TODO: Implement 'New Game' button.  
TODO: Clear text field when user enters input.  
TODO: Check that user input is valid.  
TODO: Add more status messages.  
TODO: Polish look.  

Built using the NetBeans GUI Builder.

##To-Do For Both Versions
- Allow users to provide their own dictionaries.  
- Refactor.
