资源说明:Depot application exercise from "Agile Web Development with Rails"
## Depot -- Agile Web Development with Rails Reference: "Agile Web Development with Rails (4th Edition)" for Rails 3 Walkthrough Depot application with errata and changes for using MySQL on OS X. I did not wish to veer too much from the text (e.g. starting with Nginx/Phusion), but Homebrew and RVM are essential. *** ### Configuration #### Xcode 4.4.1 * Command Line Tools #### Homebrew 0.9.3 * Git * Redis 2.4.15 * MySQL 5.5.27 #### RVM 1.15.8 * Ruby 1.9.3 (via RVM) #### Gems * redis * minitest * mysql2 * rails 3.0.17 *** ## Iteration Descriptions ### Chapter 06 -- Creating the Application #### _A1 -- Creating the Products Maintenance Application_ #### _A2 -- Making Prettier Listings_ ### Chapter 07 -- Validation and Unit Testing #### _B1 -- Validating!_ #### _B2 -- Unit Testing of Models_ ### Chapter 08 -- Catalog Display #### _C1 -- Creating the Catalog Display_ #### _C2 -- Adding a Page Layout_ #### _C3 -- Using a Helper to Format the Price_ #### _C4 -- Functional Testing of Controllers_ ### Chapter 09 -- Cart Creation #### _D1 -- Finding a Cart_ #### _D2 -- Connecting Products to Carts_ #### _D3 -- Adding a Button_ ### Chapter 10 -- A Smarter Cart #### _E1 -- Creating a Smarter Cart_ #### _E2 -- Handing Errors_ #### _E3 -- Finishing the Cart_ ### Chapter 11 -- Adding a Dash of Ajax #### _F1 -- Moving the Cart_ #### _F2 -- Creating an Ajax-Based Cart_ #### _F3 -- Highlighting Changes_ #### _F4 -- Hiding an Empty Cart_ #### _F5 -- Testing Ajax Changes_ ### Chapter 12 -- Check Out! #### _G1 -- Capturing an Order_ #### _G2 -- Atom Feeds_ #### _G3 -- Pagination_ ### Chapter 13 -- Sending Mail #### _H1 -- Sending Confirmation Emails_ #### _H2 -- Integration Testing of Applications_ ### Chapter 14 -- Logging In #### _I1 -- Adding Users_ #### _I2 -- Authenticating Users_ #### _I3 -- Limiting Access_ #### _I4 -- Adding a Sidebar, More Administration_ ### Chapter 14 -- Internationalization #### _J1 -- Selecting the Locale_ #### _J2 -- Translating the Storefront_ #### _J3 -- Translating Checkout_ #### _J4 -- Adding a Locale Switcher_ ### Chapter 15 -- Deployment and Production #### _K1 -- Deploying with Phusion Passenger and MySQL_ #### _K2 -- Deploying Remotely with Capistrano_ #### _K3 -- Checking Up on a Deployed Application_ *** ## Commits -- Observations and Detours Required ### Initialization rails new agile_web_dev_depot -d mysql ### Iteration A1 rake db:create # create databases rake db:migrate ### Iteration A2 Copyrighted book description test data... _Seriously?_ A bit more orientation, I am _typing_ changes -- except for the seed data and css files. I want the experience of _creating_ the application, and fixing errors. Last year, when attempting to get through this, _Iteration A2_ was where the waters got rough. Perhaps the css has been tweaked, or I have become more savvy, but now, index view styling worked easily. ### Iterations B1 & B2 _No changes._ When first working through the text, I had trouble with testing, and made notes about the changes required (as found via Errata or _Stack Overflow_). Perhaps starting off with _minitest_ installed was a mistake, I should have made a clean gemset for this project... # test_helper.rb require 'rails/test_help' require 'minitest' # add me # gemfile group :test do # Pretty printed test output gem 'turn', :require => false gem 'minitest' # add me end ### Iterations C1, C2, C3 & C4 _No changes._ ### Iterations D1, D2 & D3 _No changes._ ### Iterations E1, E2 & E3 _No changes._ ### Iteration E Playtime Getting price into line_items table seemed important enough... And changing LineItem model to use appropriate pricing. ### Iterations F1, F2, F3, F4 & F5 _No changes... F5 iteration was added to capture testing changes, rather than appending those to F4._ ### Iteration G1 Adding price to line_item (E Playtime) requires changes to order functional testing. # order_controllers_test.rb test "should get new" do cart = Cart.create session[:cart_id] = cart.id LineItem.create(:cart => cart, :product => products(:ruby), :price => products(:ruby).price) get :new assert_response :success end Also, update line_items fixture to include pricing. # line_items.yml one: product: ruby price: 49.50 order: one two: product: ruby price: 49.50 cart: one ### Iteration G2 _No changes._ ### Iteration G3 Iteration does not _really_ require changes, but... Sorting orders by created\_at might not give the results shown, as the generated orders may all have the same timestamp -- sort on order key to obtain the results shown in the text. def index @orders = Order.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => 'id desc', :per_page => 10 respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @orders } end end ### Iteration H1 _No changes._ Section _Email Configuration_ is informative, but in reality, if you are relying on email (e.g. running a business) -- you should use an email marketing service. I have worked with [Mad Mimi](http://www.madmimi.com), and the assistance offered by such services is remarkable (or Mad Mimi seemed so, your mileage may differ). ### Iteration H2 Integration test fails due to mail.from match, this version works: # check notification email mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_equal ["dave@example.com"], mail.to assert_equal ["depot@example.com"], mail.from assert_equal "Pragmatic Store Order Confirmation", mail.subject ### Iterations I1, I2, I3 & I4 _No changes._ ### Iteration I <3 Cargo Cult Security Abstract: A trip down the rabbit hole of security theater... _Best practiced_ salted SHA hashing is _inadequate_. Here is the infamous explanation -- [_How To Safely Store A Password_](http://codahale.com/how-to-safely-store-a-password/). If you are reading this, you might have oddly shaped die (with die-cast figurines), and a weary wariness of blog title _hype_... Alas, here is the opposing view: [_Don't use bcrypt_](http://www.unlimitednovelty.com/2012/03/dont-use-bcrypt.html) -- an _adjacent facet_ of the original article. And the _punchline_, hail the [new normal](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/SecurePassword/ClassMethods.html). I suspect brute-force attacks on a Rails site or its compromised data store are rare compared to an individual account being exploited. I would add application activity logging -- using production logs to figure out what an attacker did while masquerading as Mr. Unfortunate feels like a chore. But in the interest of being exemplary acolytes of _Hacker News_, let's fix our hashing... 1) Update gemfile to include required bcrypt-ruby gem gem "bcrypt-ruby" 2) Install new bundle bundle install 3) Restart server Be sure to restart the application server. 4) Update User model require 'bcrypt' class User < ActiveRecord::Base after_destroy :ensure_an_admin_remains validates :name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validates :password, :confirmation => true attr_accessor :password_confirmation attr_reader :password validate :password_must_be_present def ensure_an_admin_remains if User.count.zero? raise "Can't delete last user" end end def User.authenticate(name, password) if user = find_by_name(name) if BCrypt::Password.new(user.hashed_password) == password user end end end def User.encrypt_password(password) # beware, *not* idempotent (includes salt) BCrypt::Password.create(password) end # 'password' is a virtual attribute def password=(password) @password = password if password.present? self.hashed_password = self.class.encrypt_password(password) end end private def password_must_be_present errors.add(:password, "Missing password") unless hashed_password.present? end end 5) Update users fixture Make sure there is more than one record in the fixture, to avoid violating validation when controller attempts to delete user. one: name: dave hashed_password: <%= User.encrypt_password('secret') %> two: name: gossamer hashed_password: <%= User.encrypt_password('hair-raising hare') %> 6) Make tests work (e.g. rake test) Depending on how much you researched the bcrypt gem, or how well you copied example code, this is where you make the tests work. You may have started testing via rails console, after doing something like this... User.delete_all User.create(:name => 'sean', :password => 'secret') But then found login would not work because _authenticate_ returned nil (if we agree _encrypt\_password_ was simple to update). bcrypt was implemented such that it relies on object initialization and comparison. _New_ recreates the Password object, which uses a comparison method (aka "==") to generate a digest based on its salt and the given plain-text password -- which is to say... Password_instance == password # words great password == Password_instance # ruh-roh (If you are new to rails, you have to exit and invoke console whenever you want to test changes made in your application). 7) Eliminate salt column rails generate migration RemoveSaltFromUser salt:string rake db:migrate Be sure to update user _show.html.erb_ view.<%= notice %>
Name: <%= @user.name %>
Hashed password: <%= @user.hashed_password %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_user_path(@user) %> | <%= link_to 'Back', users_path %> 8) Prevent mischief What more could possibly be worth doing here? Update User model to prevent denial of service attack... class User < ActiveRecord::Base PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 6 PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH = 42 # ... validates :password, :confirmation => true validates_length_of :password, :minimum => PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, :maximum => PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH # ... def User.authenticate(name, password) if password.length < PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH if user = find_by_name(name) if BCrypt::Password.new(user.hashed_password) == password user end end end end bcrypt is used to ensure authentication is _slower_ than SHA hash checking. An attacker could attempt to log in with a _large_ password, thus generating deleterious/costly load on the server. ### Iteration J1 _No changes._ Text should have explained removal of _get "store/index"_ when scoping routes by locale. ### Iteration J2 _No changes._ ### Iteration J3 The following quote was not accurate... > Note that we do not normally have to explicitly call I18n functions on labels, > unless we want to do something special like allowing HTML entities. Thus, the order form was adjusted to add more translations... <%= form_for(@order) do |f| %> # ...<%= f.label :name, t('.name') %>
<%= f.text_field :name, :size => 40 %><%= f.label :address, t('.address_html') %>
<%= f.text_area :address, :rows => 3, :cols => 40 %><%= f.label :email, t('.email') %>
<%= f.email_field :email, :size => 40 %><%= f.label :pay_type, t('.pay_type') %>
<%= f.select :pay_type, Order::PAYMENT_TYPES, :prompt => t('.pay_prompt_html') %><%= f.submit t('.submit') %><% end %> Figure 15.5 conflicts with the _es.yml_ configuration for pay_type, fix the configuration to use "Forma de pago" (to be consistent with later translations). Also, this appeared to be inaccurate... > Note that there is no need to provide English equivalents for this, because those messages are built in to Rails. I would love to know how this got weird, but to get error messages working, the Spanish configuration included: # es.yml activerecord: models: order: "pedido" attributes: order: address: "Direccón" name: "Nombre" email: "E-mail" pay_type: "Forma de pago" errors: messages: inclusion: "no está incluido en la lista" blank: "no puede quedar en blanco" errors: template: body: "Hay problemas con los siguientes campos:" header: one: "1 error ha impedido que este %{model} se guarde" other: "%{count} errores han impedido que este %{model} se guarde" And the English configuration included: # en.yml activerecord: models: order: "order" errors: template: body: "There were problems with the following fields:" header: one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved" other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" ### Iteration J4 _No changes._ ### Iterations K1, K2 & K3 _Skipped._ This seems a core weakness of the text, tool choice and platform support issues. I have worked with Nginx and Passenger, and installation/permissions problems can be an intense hassle. The obvious way forward is Vagrant. I have been reading Copeland and Burns [_Deploying Rails_](http://pragprog.com/book/cbdepra/deploying-rails), and it is a good reference from the DevOps perspective.