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资源说明:A theorem prover for propositional access control logic with "says" operator. Implements Seq-ACL, an analytic labeled sequent calculus for access control logic along with an automatic generation of human-readable proofs. Main implementation in SWI-Prolog with translation to GNU-Prolog and relative C bindings provided.
ACL-Lean: Access Control Logic Theorem Prover

To launch ACL-Lean:
  1. Run SWI-Prolog ($ swipl);
  2. Load the latexify package (?- [latexify].).

Now you can prove formulas by typing:
  ?- prove(a->a).

Or you can run single test files as follows:
  ?- ['examples/'].
or you can run all of the tests at once issuing:
  ?- ['examples/'].
