资源说明:Take desktop screenshots and glue them to make a time lapse video in GNU/Linux
![gLapse logo](https://raw.github.com/siondream/glapse/master/web/glapse-logo.redimensionado.png) ### What is gLapse? gLapse stands for Gnome Time lapse, is a simple GTK tool that allows you to take lots of screenshots at fixed intervals. Then you can glue them together to produce a time lapse video. It was conceived to be used at [Ludum Dare](http://ludumdare.com/compo/) 48h game development competition by Linux people but you can also try it! It doesn't have a huge variety of options but it's pretty easy to use. ![gLapse screen](https://raw.github.com/siondream/glapse/master/web/glapse-02.png) ### Features * Take .png screenshots with custom interval and quality. * Make video using saved screenshots with custom FPS. * Multilanguage: English, Spanish, German, French and Japanese. ### Downloads * [gLapse 0.3 Debian](https://github.com/downloads/siondream/glapse/glapse_0.3_all.deb) * [gLapse 0.3 other distros](https://github.com/downloads/siondream/glapse/glapse-0.3.tar.gz) ### Show your work! Do you want everybody to know how you've worked in your last project? Start taking desktop screenshots at a fix time interval and let the party begin! When you're finnished, push the "make video" button and that's it! You'll have your time lapse video ready to be showcased.