资源说明:Build a tool (based on behat/mink?) to attack a magento installation aka check for the most common problems, readable local.xml, etc.
#mage-attack Build a tool based on behat/mink to "attack" a magento installation aka check for the most common problems ## Implemented: * local.xml and config.xml is not readable * check for * * LICENSE.txt * * LICENSE.html * * LICENSE_AFL.txt * * RELEASE_NOTES.txt ## Installation and Usage 1. Follow the installation instructions for MageBehat https://github.com/magento-hackathon/MageBehat 2. Install this extension 3. Run behat: `php -f shell/behat.php` Get something like: Feature: local.xml is not readable Scenario: local.xml is not readable # features/bootstrap/not_readable_local_xml.feature:3 Given I am on "/app/etc/local.xml" # FeatureContext::visit() Then I should get a "403" error # FeatureContext::iShouldGetAError() 1 Szenario (1 bestanden) 2 Schritte (2 bestanden) 0m0.049s