资源说明:Collection of simple clojure ring middlewares
micro-middleware ================ Collection of small middlewares. ## wrap-json-params Parses request body as JSON if content type is 'application/json'. If `:hyphenize` is `true`, will replace underscores with hyphens in keys. Default is false. Will decompress body before parsing if 'Content-Encoding' is 'gzip'. ```clojure (-> routes ...; other middlewares (wrap-json-params :hyphenize true)) ``` See tests for more examples ## wrap-json-response Converts body (array or hashmap) to JSON string if client accepts json. If `:dehyphenize` is `true`, will replace hyphens with underscores in keys. Default is false. Has custom formatter for joda time. ```clojure (-> routes ...; other middlewares (wrap-json-response :dehyphenize true)) ``` See tests for more examples ##