资源说明:Plugins for Fantasy Text RPG - Sryth. http://www.sryth.com/
sryth-gears.crx =============== Plugins for Fantasy Text RPG - Sryth. http://www.sryth.com/ **Sryth Gears** is a free extension for Fantasy Text RPG **sryth** , and will support folling features: * Resize font in content window. * Translate sentences under cursor. (using [Google Translate][gt] and coming soon...) **TODO:** * Translate content on mouse hover. * Embeded sryth wiki. * Improve options page styles. * Show item details on hover. * Embeded notebook to save important things.(using google drive) * *Chat with adventures in the same place.* **Changelog:** * **2012-11-20** - Add fetaure to resize the font in content window. [gt]: http://translate.google.com