资源说明:A command-line utility which creates a background wallpaper to span multiple displays/monitors and sets it as the current background.
makeSpanningBackground ====================== Selects and sets the background wallpaper on multiple displays/monitors (and single monitors also). The makeSpanningBackground program runs on both Linux and Windows versions of Python. Most of the testing has been on one and two monitor systems with Python 2.7 or 3.X, on Ubuntu and Windows 7, but Fedora, Vista, and Windows XP have also had some testing. Note that under KDE and Xfce on Linux the generated image may not be automatically set to be the wallpaper (with the "spanned" mode auto-set); you'll have to apply those settings by hand. As of Oct 2014 this program works on Cinnamon and Unity, at least, but Gnome and LXDE have been changing the way they handle background images so it may not work. There is now a Bash script in the bin directory which can be used as a simplified frontend to the full program on Linux systems. Dependencies ============ The dependencies are as follows: :: Linux with Python 2.x (at least Python 2.6): Ubuntu Fedora numpy sudo apt-get install python-numpy yum install numpy scipy sudo apt-get install python-scipy yum install scipy PIL sudo apt-get install python-imaging yum install python-imaging xrandr pre-installed for most distributions gsettings pre-installed for most distributions Linux with Python 3.x: Same as for Python 2.x. For numpy and scipy just apt-get the version that starts with python3, e.g., python3-numpy. Windows with Python 2.x or 3.x (at least Python 2.6): Needs numpy, scipy, and PIL. Windows users who want binaries and are not using a package like Anaconda or Python(x,y) where the dependencies are pre-installed might try the following (get the version to match the installed Python): http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pil http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy Note that on Windows the background mode must be set to "tiled" in the standard wallpaper-selection dialog window. The program will attempt to do this, but if that doesn't work it will need to be set by the user. On XP you may need to always choose the .bmp format for the saved image files. Windows Cygwin Python The dependencies are the same as in Windows. Cygwin comes with packages for python-argparse, python-imaging, and python-numpy. Unfortunately, scipy is apparently difficult to install in Cygwin. You can run the script with Windows Python from a Cygwin terminal. Documentation ============= For the general documentation, run:: python makeSpanningBackground.py --help The output of that command follows:: Usage: makeSpanningBackground.py [-h] -o OUTFILE_NAME [-v] [-1] [-f R_VAL G_VAL B_VAL] [-t MINUTES] [-p PCT_FLOAT] [-z ONE_OF_012345] [-s] [-c R_VAL G_VAL B_VAL] [-R] [-d] [--noclobber] [-r RESLIST [RESLIST ...]] [-w X_POS Y_POS] [-x] [-L FNAME] IMAGE_FILE_OR_DIR [IMAGE_FILE_OR_DIR ...] Description: Make a single, combined background image file from separate background image files, one for each display. The default is to get information from the system about the display resolutions, and to randomly choose an image for each display from the image files and image directories provided. Sampling is without replacement; the full list is regenerated when it is empty (including any changes which might have occurred in the directories). The positional arguments are image files and directories containing image files. The required flag '--outfile' or '-o' specifies the pathname of the file where the combined image file will be written (or silently overwritten). An example: python makeSpanningBackground.py ~/bgDir photo.jpg -o combo.bmp On Linux the program file can be made executable and the initial "python" above can be omitted if the Python version at "/usr/bin/python" is the correct one (if not, the first line in the program can be modified). Windows users can achieve the same effect by renaming the script to have a '.py' suffix and making sure '.PY' is in the PATHEXT list. On any system the program file (or a script calling it) can be placed somewhere in the PATH to avoid having to supply the path. To use this kind of combined background image in Linux the background mode should be set to 'spanned'; the program will attempt to set this automatically. On Windows the background mode should be 'tiled', but the mode must be explicitly set by the user (usually from the system's background-setting window). In Windows XP the '.bmp' format should be chosen for the output file (simply by using that suffix on the output filename). Also, backgrounds set in Windows XP do not persist between logins and must be reset. Note that this program can be set as a startup program to change the background wallpaper on logins. When the '-t' command switch is used the program will infinitely loop, waiting for the specified number of minutes between iterations. It is convenient to create a simple shell-script wrapper or batch file to call the program with the "usual" command-line arguments. Positional arguments: IMAGE_FILE_OR_DIR A whitespace-separated list of the pathnames of image files and/or directories containing image files. Use quotes around any file or directory name which contains a space. Pathnames can be repeated on the list, and the list will be reloaded if it becomes empty. A specified filename will be silently ignored if it does not have a suffix in the list ['.BMP', '.DCX', '.DIB', '.EPS', '.GIF', '.IM', '.JPE', '.JPEG', '.JPG', '.PBM', '.PCD', '.PCX', '.PDF', '.PGM', '.PNG', '.PPM', '.PS', '.PSD', '.TIF', '.TIFF', '.XBM', '.XPM', '.bmp', '.dcx', '.dib', '.eps', '.gif', '.im', '.jpe', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.pbm', '.pcd', '.pcx', '.pdf', '.pgm', '.png', '.ppm', '.ps', '.psd', '.tif', '.tiff', '.xbm', '.xpm']. Optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -o OUTFILE_NAME, --outfile OUTFILE_NAME The pathname of the output file. This flag is required. Any existing file by that name will be silently overwritten. The filename can have any suffix that ndimage (via PIL) can handle, and the output file will be written in that format. Not all formats will necessarily be settable as background images. Common choices are '.jpg' and '.bmp', where the latter produces files which are larger but of higher quality. Note that Windows XP requires the '.bmp' format. -v, --verbose Print more information about the program's actions and progress. Without this switch only error messages are printed to the screen. -1, --oneimage Use a single background image, scaled to stretch over all the displays. This is currently based on the screen resolutions, not the physical sizes of the monitors (dpi). -f R_VAL G_VAL B_VAL, --fitimage R_VAL G_VAL B_VAL If this option is set then images are scaled to fully fit into the corresponding display. The three arguments are RGB byte values specifying the color of any region not covered by an image. Use '-f 0 0 0' for black. The default program behavior without this switch is to use the minimum scaling to completely fill the display while preserving the aspect ratio. -t MINUTES, --timedelay MINUTES If this option is set the program will infinitely loop. On each iteration it will collect the current display information, re-select images for each display, create a combined image, and set it as the background (assuming that behavior is not modified by any other options). The floating point argument gives the number of minutes to sleep between iterations. The image list will only be reloaded when it becomes empty, so every image will be used exactly once before any images are reloaded. -p PCT_FLOAT, --percenterror PCT_FLOAT The percentage of an image's area which is allowed to be cropped-out when scaling it to fit a display resolution. In '--fitimage' mode it is the percent of non-image in the display area. In '--oneimage' mode it is the percent of the image that does not fall onto any display. Set this option to zero for exact fit only. The program will exit with an error message if it cannot find enough suitable images. -z ONE_OF_012345, --zoomspline ONE_OF_012345 Set the order of the spline used by ndimage to resize (zoom) images. The value can be from 0 to 5, with 3 the default. Lower orders are faster, higher orders have better quality. (Also, for higher-quality images: output files in '.bmp' format are larger but tend to look better.) -s, --sequential Process images sequentially as listed in the positional arguments, with the files in any image directories forming alphabetical sublists. This can be used to force specific images to appear on specific displays. On Linux the ordering of the displays is the same as in xrandr. If you are unsure about the ordering, try some images and see where they end up. If display resolutions and offsets are explicitly set with '--reslist' and '--sequential' is set then the image files will corresponding one to one with the list of resolution specifiers. -c R_VAL G_VAL B_VAL, --colorfill R_VAL G_VAL B_VAL The three arguments are RGB byte values specifying the color of any region in the large, combined image (a bounding-box on the displays) which is not covered by a display. Use '-c 0 0 0' for black. -R, --recursive Recursively search any supplied image directories for image files. -d, --dontapply Do not attempt to apply the created image as the working background image. The program will simply exit after writing the image file. --noclobber Never overwrite an existing file as the output file. -r RESLIST [RESLIST ...], --reslist RESLIST [RESLIST ...] Set the resolutions and offsets to use. No system lookup will be attempted. This must be a space- separated list of strings of the form x*y+xOffset+yOffset (like in the output of xrandr on Linux), where xOffset and yOffset give the top-left position of the display and x and y are the display sizes (resolution). Like in X11, (0,0) is assumed to be at the top left of a bounding box on all the displays. For a Windows machine the top left of the primary display will also need to be defined, using the '--windows' option described below. This option cannot be immediately followed by the positional arguments. -w X_POS Y_POS, --windows X_POS Y_POS This option should only be necessary on a Windows machine when using the '--reslist' option. The two arguments x and y (in that order) should be set to the top left position of the primary display. This is necessary because, unlike X11, Windows assumes (0,0) is at the top left of the primary display. Other displays can then have negative locations. This program translates Windows positions so that all addresses are positive, with (0,0) at the top left of all the displays (which is how positions should be entered for the '--reslist' option). The program then corrects for this translation in a final step, which wraps the image into tiled mode relative to the primary display. This requires knowing the top left position of the primary display. -x, --x11 Create an X11 type image even if Windows is detected as the OS. When this option is selected no final "modular wrap" will be applied to correct for the position of the primary display. -L FNAME, --logcurrent FNAME Write the names of the current images to a file. The single argument is the name of the file to write the filenames to. Useful when you want to know the filenames of the images being displayed. The makeSpanningBackground program is Copyright (c) 2012 by Allen Barker. Released under the MIT license.