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资源说明:A handlebars helper for loading, inserting and getting handlebars templates.
# hbLoader

### Requires: 
* [Jquery](http://jquery.com)
* [Handlebars](http://handlebarsjs.com/)

hbLoader simplifies the process of loading in and using handlebars templates within your application.

## Install
##### Old fasion
Download the package and include in your project

[Download hbLoader.js](https://github.com/kmallea/hbloader-js/releases)

##### Bower
Install via bower and then include in your project
    bower install hbloader-js

## Methods

Loads the templates specified in the template path and automaticly appends to body.
	load(templatePath:String, onComplete:function);

Insert a rendered template in an element
	insert(templateName:String, data:jsonObject, target:Object);
returns the html object of the templateName passed in wih the jsonObject
   get(templateName:String, data:object);
Add a template that already exists in the dom

### Usage

Here is how we make sure the templates are loaded and perform a function on complete

	hbLoader.load('view/templates.htm', function(){ 
	    // templates are loaded do something 

When you have templates embeded on the page and not in an external template

Insert a template called "userTemplate" into a div with the class .container and a json object of data
	hbLoader.insert('userTemplate', jsonData, '.container');

Return the html instead of appending to an element
	var renderedHtml = hbLoader.get('templateName', jsonData);
