资源说明:UI tests for groupdocs samples
For run tests you should install firefox in directory by default and maybe Selenium IDE (embeded in firefox). Also you should install: JDK 6 Maven Configure JDK and Maven to run it from command line. Command for run tests: mvn clean test -DParameter1=value1 -Dparameter2=value2 -DparameterN=valueN List of parameters: * site.url - url to test (for example: http://localhost:8080) * browser.name - name of browser for test (for example (default): firefox) * browser.version - version browser for test (for example: 17.0) * browser.platform - platform (for example (default): windows) * groupdocs.clientid - your client ID from groupdocs site (for example: jghydt6ndhblgj6l) * groupdocs.privatekey - your private key from groupdocs site (for example: 65fdlk48936ljh0gs8g4y34oih08ds4h) * vgroupdocs.fileid - ID of your file in groupdocs (for example: 36uy3o6huo3463o754k7gk475gk547h47hk5jg37kj75gk4j7gk3j5g7k45j74k5) * groupdocs.document - Local file for upload during signature test (for example: C:\\test_document.doc) * groupdocs.signature - Local file for upload during signature test (for example: C:\\test_signature.jpg) You can write this values in file settings.xml and run tests with command: mvn -s settings.xml clean test Example settings.xml file: ```xml``` dev dev http://localhost:8080 firefox 17.0 windows jghydt6ndhblgj6l 65fdlk48936ljh0gs8g4y34oih08ds4h 36uy3o6huo3463o754k7gk475gk547h47hk5jg37kj75gk4j7gk3j5g7k45j74k5 C:\\test_document.doc C:\\test_signature.jpg true