资源说明:Old piece of code for display wifi signal on a VFD 2x16 display.
lcdwifi ======= ![Screenshot](https://raw.github.com/eskil/lcdwifi/master/lcdwifi.jpg) Old piece of code for displaying wifi signal on a VFD 2x16 display. What does it do ? It shows the signal strength in one line, and on the second line, a graph with all the previous readings and the tx/rx load. My roommates and I build an mp3 player box for the living room, and used a wifi link for the box. Of course, since the box is under the TV surrounded by cables as far from the wifi as possible, the link quality is crap. I wupped up this little piece of code so that we could see how the link was doing while transferring music to the box. Major drawbacks =============== * Only reads wifi cards bit rate at start time, so the tx/rx load doesn't account for changes in the link speed. * Not at all tested for anything but 16x2 lines displays with 5x8 characters.