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资源说明:Wireshark CITP Lua Disector
#### [Download](

Wireshark CITP Lua Disector implements the CITP (Controller Interface Transport Protocol) as described at

CITP is used in the event and entertainment industries to allow lighting consoles, media servers and visualizers to interchange operation information with an open protocol. CITP utilizes `TCP:on various ports`, `UDP:4809` and the multicast address `` in order to operate.

The disector listens to CITP/PINF/PLoc/ListeningTCPPort to dynamicly add the posted port to the CITP disector.

Does my copy of Wireshark have Lua Enabled?
In order for this plugin to function in Wireshark make sure your copy has been compiled with Lua by checking in Help -> About Wireshark and looking for the text ``with lua 5.x``.

![About Dialog](

Check [the wireshark wiki]( for more information

Installing the plugin (Windows)
* Download the Zip near the top of the page.
* Exit Wireshark
* Copy citp.lua to your wireshark user profiles directory

**Vista / Windows 7 / 8** ``C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Wireshark\plugins``

**XP/2000** ``C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Wireshark\plugins``

* Edit or create ``C:\Program Files\Wireshark\init.lua`` or ``C:\Program Files (x86)\Wireshark\init.lua`` and change ``disable_lua = true`` to ``disable_lua = false``

Installing the plugin (OSX / Linux / Unix)
* [Download citp.lua](
* Quit Wireshark
* Copy ``citp.lua`` into ``~/.wireshark/plugins`` (Note: In Later versions of Wireshark this file is now located at ``~/.config/wireshark/pligins/citp.lua``)
* Edit or create ``/etc/wireshark/init.lua`` and change ``disable_lua = true`` to ``disable_lua = false``

Currently Implemented (still a work in progress)
 * PINF  Peer Information Layer
 * CInf  Client Information Message
 * ELIn  Element Library Information message
 * EThn  Element Thumbnail message
 * GEIn  Get Element Information message
 * GELI Get Element Library Information message
 * GELT Get Element Library Thumbnail message
 * GETh  Get Element Thumbnail message
 * LSta  Layer Status Message
 * MEIn  Media Element Information message
 * Nack  Negative Acknowledge Message
 * RqSt  Request Stream message
 * SInf  Server Information Message
 * StFr  Stream Frame message

TCP Ports
Because CITP can use any random TCP port, the dissector does not assign a port by default, but dynamicly based on UDP:PINF:PLoc:ListeningTCPPort fields. Until a PINF packet is processed Wiershark does not know what TCP port for to use for CITP.

To manually add a TCP port in *Tools > Lua > Evaluate* enter the following: ``CITP_add_port(####)`` where ``####`` is the port number that you would like to watch then press *Evaluate* e.g. ``CITP_add_port(6463)``

Example Capture

Example Capture.pcapng is provided as an example of a converscation between a Media Server (Mbox Designer) and a Console (GrandMA 2). This example file has been reduced down the the key elements and includes the following packets:

    * 001       [Mbox] PINF on Multicast Address
    * 002       [GMA2] PINF on Multicast Address
    * 003       [Mbox] Server Information
    * 004       [GMA2] Client Information Message
    * 005       [GMA2] Get Element Library Information for ALL
    * 006 - 007 [Mbox] Element Library Information for 63 Folders
    * 008       [GMA2] Get Element Information for all elements in folder 0
    * 009       [Mbox] Layer Status for 6 Layers
    * 010 - 011 [Mbox] Reply to 008 with 33 elements
    * 012       [GMA2] Get Element Thumbnail for Element 52.
    * 013 - 020 [Mbox] Element Thumbnail for Element 52 (Binary Data)

1.2 Protocols need some real world testing

Thanks to MrRoundRobin for adding 1.2 support
Thanks to alphajbravo for adding CAEX Stub and fixing a PINF bugfix
