文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:A simple 16 bit computer simulator
16 bit computer emulator 

  < Data > 
<4 bits > < 4 bits  > <8 bits> 

Memory Limitation: 16 addressable spaces 
Operand Limitations: 2^4 = 16. 0 - 15 
Instruction Limitation: 16 bits maximum length, 8 bits minimum length. 

2 Instruction. Address 0 and 1
2 Operand. Address 0 and 1

Op Codes: 
0000 - Load  . Loads operands into a memory location
0001 - Pop   . Pops off the stack after an math operation has occured. 
0011 - Add   . Adds the two operands in the memory locations specified together
1100 - Display  . Displays the contents of the memory location
0111 - HALT. Stops the program 
1111 - Move  . Moves operands in memory locations 
1110 - Remove  . Removes an operand from a memory location
1001 - Subtract  . Subtracts the two operands in the memory locations
1011 - Divide  . Divides the two operands in the memory locations
1101 - Multiply  . Multiplies the two operands in the memory locations
0101 - Read Register  . Reads from either the operand or instrutction register. 
1010 - Write Register  . Writes to either the operand or instruction regsister. 
0100 - CONTINUE. Signifies that there is more of the program. Useful for programs that are more than 16 lines. Wipes main memory, registers still retain their information. 

Type Codes: 
0001 - Broken up instruction. Tells the IO to break the instruction down into two 8 bit segments
0011 - Read/write to/from Instruction register
0111 - Read/Write to/from Operand register
