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Visual C++ (VC++)

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资源说明:The CGraphicButton class is derived from CWnd and encapsulates a Windows button control. The CGraphicButton class allows use of a combination of a bitmap and text on the face of your button. The class allows the option of either a bitmap-left or a text-left placement., The graphic above shows the same button in four different states. As of this date, 17 Jun 1997, CGraphicButton class bitmaps are limited to 16 colors, although that could be easily changed. The CGraphicButton class is designed to respond to both color and font style changes that are made by the user at runtime. The class uses as it s default font the font that is used by it s parent, generally a dialog box. The font can be changed by using SetFont(..) after the class instance creation call. Simple instructions to include CGraphicButton into your project are included.
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