The Art of SQL
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资源说明:The Art of SQL Dedication Preface Why Another SQL Book? Audience Assumptions This Book Makes Contents of This Book Conventions Used in This Book Using Code Examples Comments and Questions Safari® Enabled Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Laying Plans Section 1.1. The Relational View of Data Section 1.2. The Importance of Being Normal Section 1.3. To Be or Not to Be, or to Be Null Section 1.4. Qualifying Boolean Columns Section 1.5. Understanding Subtypes Section 1.6. Stating the Obvious Section 1.7. The Dangers of Excess Flexibility Section 1.8. The Difficulties of Historical Data Section 1.9. Design and Performance Section 1.10. Processing Flow Section 1.11. Centralizing Your Data Section 1.12. System Complexity Section 1.13. The Completed Plans Chapter 2. Waging War Section 2.1. Query Identification Section 2.2. Stable Database Connections Section 2.3. Strategy Before Tactics Section 2.4. Problem Definition Before Solution Section 2.5. Stable Database Schema Section 2.6. Operations Against Actual Data Section 2.7. Set Processing in SQL Section 2.8. Action-Packed SQL Statements Section 2.9. Profitable Database Accesses Section 2.10. Closeness to the DBMS Kernel Section 2.11. Doing Only What Is Required Section 2.12. SQL Statements Mirror Business Logic Section 2.13. Program Logic into Queries Section 2.14. Multiple Updates at Once Section 2.15. Careful Use of User-Written Functions Section 2.16. Succinct SQL Section 2.17. Offensive Coding with SQL Section 2.18. Discerning Use of Exceptions Chapter 3. Tactical Dispositions Section 3.1. The Identification of "Entry Points" Section 3.2. Indexes and Content Lists Section 3.3. Making Indexes Work Section 3.4. Indexes with Functions and Conversions Section 3.5. Indexes and Foreign Keys Section 3.6. Multiple Indexing of the Same Columns Section 3.7. System-Generated Keys Section 3.8. Variability of Index Accesses Chapter 4. Maneuvering Section 4.1. The Nature of SQL Section 4.2. Five Factors Governing the Art of SQL Section 4.3. Filtering Chapter 5. Terrain Section 5.1. Structural Types Section 5.2. The Conflicting Goals Section 5.3. Considering Indexes as Data Repositories Section 5.4. Forcing Row Ordering Section 5.5. Automatically Grouping Data Section 5.6. The Double-Edged Sword of Partitioning Section 5.7. Partitioning and Data Distribution Section 5.8. The Best Way to Partition Data Section 5.9. Pre-Joining Tables Section 5.10. Holy Simplicity Chapter 6. The Nine Situations Section 6.1. Small Result Set, Direct Specific Criteria Section 6.2. Small Result Set, Indirect Criteria Section 6.3. Small Intersection of Broad Criteria Section 6.4. Small Intersection, Indirect Broad Criteria Section 6.5. Large Result Set Section 6.6. Self-Joins on One Table Section 6.7. Result Set Obtained by Aggregation Section 6.8. Simple or Range Searching on Dates Section 6.9. Result Set Predicated on Absence of Data Chapter 7. Variations in Tactics Section 7.1. Tree Structures Section 7.2. Representing Trees in an SQL Database Section 7.3. Practical Implementation of Trees Section 7.4. Walking a Tree with SQL Section 7.5. Aggregating Values from Trees Chapter 8. Weaknesses and Strengths Section 8.1. Deceiving Criteria Section 8.2. Abstract Layers Section 8.3. Distributed Systems Section 8.4. Dynamically Defined Search Criteria Chapter 9. Multiple Fronts Section 9.1. The Database Engine as a Service Provider Section 9.2. Concurrent Data Changes Chapter 10. Assembly of Forces Section 10.1. Increasing Volumes Section 10.2. Data Warehousing Chapter 11. Stratagems Section 11.1. Turning Data Around Section 11.2. Querying with a Variable in List Section 11.3. Aggregating by Range (Bands) Section 11.4. Superseding a General Case Section 11.5. Selecting Rows That Match Several Items in a List Section 11.6. Finding the Best Match Section 11.7. Optimizer Directives Chapter 12. Employment of Spies Section 12.1. The Database Is Slow Section 12.2. The Components of Server Load Section 12.3. Defining Good Performance Section 12.4. Thinking in Business Tasks Section 12.5. Execution Plans Section 12.6. Using Execution Plans Properly Section 12.7. What Really Matters? PHOTO CREDITS About the Author Index