资源说明:LPC1768实验板原理图及时使用说明,LPCXpresso is a new, low-cost development platform available from NXP. The software
consists of an enhanced, Eclipse-based IDE, a GNU C compiler, linker, libraries, and an
enhanced GDB debugger. The hardware consists of the LPCXpresso development board
which has an LPC-Link debug interface and an NXP LPC ARM-based microcontroller
target. LPCXpresso is an end-to-end solution enabling embedded engineers to develop
their applications from initial evaluation to final production.
The LPCXpresso IDE, powered by Code Red Technologies (www.code-red-
tech.com/lpcxpresso/), is based on the popular Eclipse development platform and
includes several LPC-specific enhancements. It is an industry-standard GNU toolchain
with an optimized C library that gives engineers all the tools necessary to develop high-
quality software solutions quickly and cost-effectively. The C programming environment
includes professional-level features. There is syntax coloring, source formatting, function
folding, on- and offline help, and extensive project management automation.
The LPCXpresso target board, jointly developed by NXP, Code Red Technologies, and
Embedded Artists (http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/lpcxpresso/), includes an
integrated JTAG debugger (LPC-Link), so there’s no need for a separate JTAG debug
probe. The target portion of the board can connect to expansion boards to provide a
greater variety of interfaces, and I/O devices. The on-board LPC-Link debugger provides
a high-speed USB to JTAG/SWD interface to the IDE and it can be connected to other
debug targets such as a customer prototype. Users can also use the LPCXpresso IDE
with the Red Probe JTAG adapter from Code Red Technologies.
Supported LPC products on the LPCXpresso platform: