资源说明:来源: http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/controls/richedit/article.php/c2389/CRichEditCtrlEx--Replacing-RICHEDIT-control-with-RichEdit20A.htm
While writing a dev notes Visual Studio plug in, I wanted the rich edit control in a dialog to understand URL's so developers could add links to sites and email addresses. After talking to "Long John", he led me to the easy way of doing it, and now I am posting the work for others. Basically this requires CRichEditCtrlEx to use the new rich edit DLL RICHED20.DLL. The first thing to do it change the window class name of the rich edit controls from "RICHEDIT" to "RichEdit20A" in the *.rc file. Next, we create a class derived from CRichEditCtrl called CRichEditCtrlEx and override the Create() method:
class CRichEditCtrlEx : public CRichEditCtrl
virtual ~CRichEditCtrlEx();
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
//{{AFX_VIRTUAL( CRichEditCtrlEx )
virtual BOOL Create( DWORD in_dwStyle, const RECT& in_rcRect,
CWnd* in_pParentWnd, UINT in_nID );
// Generated message map functions
//{{AFX_MSG( CRichEditCtrlEx )
Now implement the Create() method like this:
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CWnd* in_pParentWnd, UINT in_nID)
if( ! ::AfxInitRichEditEx() )
return FALSE ;
CWnd* l_pWnd = this ;
return l_pWnd->Create( _T( "RichEdit20A" ), NULL, in_dwStyle,
in_rcRect, in_pParentWnd, in_nID );
This is almost exactly what is in CRichEditCtrl::Create(), except the different window class name, and the call to AfxInitRichEdit() has been changed to AfxInitRichEditEx() which first calls AfxInitRichEdit (we do not want to break the normal CRichEditCtrl). In the RichEditCtrlEx.h file, you need to add the DLL holder class and function prototype:
HINSTANCE m_hInstRichEdit20 ;
BOOL PASCAL AfxInitRichEditEx();
Now, in the source code, add the implementation:
m_hInstRichEdit20 = NULL ;
if( m_hInstRichEdit20 != NULL )
::FreeLibrary( m_hInstRichEdit20 ) ;
BOOL PASCAL AfxInitRichEditEx()
if( ! ::AfxInitRichEdit() )
return FALSE ;
_AFX_RICHEDITEX_STATE* l_pState = &_afxRichEditStateEx ;
if( l_pState->m_hInstRichEdit20 == NULL )
l_pState->m_hInstRichEdit20 = LoadLibraryA("RICHED20.DLL") ;
return l_pState->m_hInstRichEdit20 != NULL ;