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资源说明:When I first began coding SQLite in the spring of 2000, I never imagined that it would be so enthusiastically received by the programming community. Today, there are millions and millions of copies of SQLite running unnoticed inside computers and gadgets made by hundreds of companies from around the world. You have probably used SQLite before without realizing it. SQLite might be inside your new cell phone or MP3 player or in the set-top box from your cable company. At least one copy of SQLite is probably found on your home computer; it comes built in on Apple’s Mac OS X and on most versions of Linux, and it gets added to Windows when you install any of dozens of third-party software titles. SQLite backs many websites thanks in part to its inclusion in the PHP5 programming language. And SQLite is also known to be used in aircraft avionics, modeling and simulation programs, industrial controllers, smart cards, decision-support packages, and medical information systems. Since there are no reporting requirements on the use of SQLite, there are without doubt countless other deployments that are unknown to me.