文件大小: 528k
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资源说明:zlib-1.2.4.tar.gz Version 1.2.4 has many changes over 1.2.3, including these improvements: Fixed bugs in adler32_combine(), compressBound(), and deflateBound() Wholesale replacement of gz* functions with faster versions As part of that, added gzbuffer(), gzoffset(), gzclose_r(), and gzclose_w() functions Faster Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY and Z_RLE compression for images and other specialized compression Added flush options Z_BLOCK to deflate() and Z_TREES to inflate() for finer control Added inflateReset2() and inflateMark() functions, the latter to aid in random access applications Added LFS (Large File Summit) support for 64-bit file offsets and many other portability improvements Updated examples in examples/ and updated third-party contributions in contrib/ 还是一样 1分 要5分的太。。。