目 录
目 录 I
1. linux系统管理命令 1
adduser 1
chfn(change finger information) 1
chsh(change shell) 1
date 2
exit 3
finger 4
free 5
fwhois 5
gitps(gnu interactive tools process status) 5
groupdel(group delete) 6
groupmod(group modify) 6
halt 7
id 7
kill 8
last 8
lastb 8
login 9
logname 9
logout 9
logrotate 9
newgrp 10
nice 10
procinfo(process information) 11
ps(process status) 11
pstree(process status tree) 14
reboot 15
renice 15
rlogin(remote login) 16
rsh(remote shell) 16
rwho 16
screen 17
shutdown 17
sliplogin 18
su(super user) 18
sudo 19
suspend 19
swatch(simple watcher) 20
tload 20
top 21
uname 21
useradd 22
userconf 22
userdel 23
usermod 23
vlock(virtual console lock) 24
w 24
who 25
whoami 25
whois 25
2. linux系统设置命令 27
alias 27
apmd(advanced power management BIOS daemon) 27
aumix(audio mixer) 27
bind 29
chkconfig(check config) 29
chroot(change root) 30
clock 30
crontab 31
declare 31
depmod(depend module) 32
dircolors 32
dmesg 33
enable 33
eval 33
export 33
fbset(frame buffer setup) 34
grpconv(group convert to shadow password) 35
grpunconv(group unconvert from shadow password) 35
hwclock(hardware clock) 35
insmod(install module) 36
kbdconfig 36
lilo(linux loader) 37
liloconfig 38
lsmod(list modules) 38
minfo 38
mkkickstart 39
modinfo(module infomation) 39
modprobe(module probe) 39
mouseconfig 40
ntsysv 41
passwd(password) 41
pwconv 41
pwunconv 42
rdate(receive date) 42
resize 42
rmmod(remove module) 42
rpm(redhat package manager) 43
set 46
setconsole 47
setenv(set environment variable) 48
setup 48
sndconfig 48
SVGAText Mode 49
timeconfig 49
ulimit 50
unalias 50
unset 51
3. linux文档编辑命令 52
col 52
colrm(column remove) 52
comm(common) 52
csplit(context split) 53
ed(editor) 53
egrep 54
ex 54
fgrep(fixed regexp) 54
fmt(fromat) 54
fold 55
grep 55
ispell(interactive spelling checking) 57
jed 58
joe 58
join 60
look 61
mtype 61
pico 62
rgrep(recursive grep) 62
sed(stream editor) 63
sort 64
spell 65
tr(translate character) 65
uniq 65
wc(word count) 66
4. linux压缩备份命令 67
ar 67
bunzip2 68
bzip2 68
bzip2recover 69
compress 69
cpio(copy in/out) 70
dump 72
gunzip(gnu unzip) 73
gzexe(gzip executable) 74
gzip(gnu zip) 74
lha 75
restore 76
tar(tape archive) 77
unarj 80
unzip 81
zip 82
zipinfo 83
5.linux文件管理命令 85
diff(differential) 85
diffstat(differential status) 86
file 87
find 87
git(gnu interactive tools) 90
gitview(gnu interactie tools viewer) 91
ln(link) 91
locate 92
lsattr(list attribute) 92
mattrib 93
mc(midnight commander) 93
mcopy 94
mdel 94
mktemp 95
mmove 95
mread 95
mren 96
mshowfat 96
mtools 96
mtoolstest 96
mv 97
od(octal dump) 97
paste 98
patch 99
rcp(remote copy) 101
rhmask 101
rm(remove) 101
slocate(secure locate) 102
split 102
tee 103
tmpwatch(temporary watch) 103
touch 103
umask 104
whereis 104
which 105
cat 105
chattr(change attribute) 106
chgrp(change group) 106
chmod(change mode) 107
chown(change owner) 108
cksum(check sum) 109
cmp(compare) 109
cp(copy) 110
cut 111
indent 111
6.linux文件传输命令 115
bye 115
ftp(file transfer protocol) 115
ftpcount 115
ftpshut(ftp shutdown) 115
ftpwho 116
ncftp(nc file transfer protocol) 116
tftp(trivial file transfer protocol) 116
uucico 116
uucp 117
uupick 118
uuto 119
7. linux磁盘管理命令 120
cd(change directory) 120
df(disk free) 120
dirs 121
du(disk usage) 121
edquota(edit quota) 122
eject 122
lndir(link directory) 123
ls(list) 123
mcd 125
mdeltree 125
mdu 126
mkdir(make directories) 126
mlabel 126
mmd 127
mmount 127
mrd 127
mzip 127
pwd(print working directory) 128
quota 128
quotacheck 128
quotaoff 129
quotaon 129
repquota(report quota) 130
rmdir(remove directory) 130
rmt(remote magnetic tape) 130
stat(status) 131
Tree 131
umount 132
8. linux磁盘维护命令 133
badblocks 133
cfdisk 133
dd 134
e2fsck(ext2 file system check) 134
ext2ed(ext2 file system editor) 136
fdisk 137
fsck.ext2(file system check-second filesystem) 137
fsck(file system check) 138
fsck.minix(file system check-minix filesystem) 139
fsconf(file system configurator) 139
hdparm(hard disk parameters) 139
losetup(loop setup) 141
mbadblocks 141
mformat 141
mkbootdisk(make boot disk) 142
mkdosfs(make Dos file system) 143
mke2fs(make ext2 file system) 143
mkfs.ext2 144
mkfs(make file system) 144
mkfs.minix 145
mkfs.msdos 145
mkinitrd(make initial ramdisk images) 145
mkisofs(make iso file system) 145
mkswap 147
mpartition 148
sfdisk 148
swapoff 149
swapon 149
symlinks(symbolic links) 149
sync 150
9. linux网络通讯命令 151
dip 151
getty(get teletypewriter) 151
mingetty 152
ppp-off 152
smbd(samba daemon) 152
telnet 153
uulog 154
uustat 154
uux 155
cu(call up) 156
dnsconf(dns configurator) 157
efax 158
httpd(http daemon) 159
ifconfig 159
mesg 160
minicom 161
nc 161
netconf 162
netstat 162
ping 163
pppstats(point to point protocol status) 164
samba 164
setserial 165
shapecfg(shaper configuration) 165
smbd(samba daemon) 166
statserial(status ofserial port) 166
talk 166
Tcpdump 167
testparm(test parameter) 168
traceroute 168
tty(teletypewriter) 169
uuname 169
wall(write all) 170
write 170
ytalk 170
arpwatch(ARP watcher) 170
apachectl(Apache control interface) 171
smbclient(samba client) 171
pppsetup 172
10. linux电子邮件与新闻组命令 173
archive 173
ctlinnd(control the internet news daemon) 173
elm 173
getlist 174
inncheck(inn check) 174
mail 175
mailconf 175
mailq(mail queue) 175
messages 176
metamail 176
mutt 177
nntpget 178
pine 178
slrn 180
11. linux其他命令 181
reconfig 181
startx(start X Window) 181
xconfigurator 181
XF86Setup 182
xlsatoms 182
xlsclients 183
xlsfonts 183
yes 184