资源说明:这个资源是使用C语言开发的一个基于AT91SAM7S64 的USB 通信程序,开发工具Keil.
The HID project is a demo program for the AT91SAM7S64
using Atmel AT91SAM7S Microcontroller Board.
It demonstrates an USB HID (Human Interface Device):
- 4 LEDs (LED1..4)
- 4 Push Buttons (SW1..4)
The USB HID is recognized by the host PC running Windows
which will load a generic HID driver. The board LEDs
and Push Buttons can then be accessed from the PC
through a custom HID Client Program.
The HID program is available for the following targets:
AT91SAM7S Board: configured for on-chip Flash ROM
(used for production or target debugging)