Master OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects
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源码售价: 10 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:opencv新书,值得看一下 Source-Code: Chapters: Ch1) Cartoonifier and Skin Changer for Android, by Shervin Emami. Ch2) Marker-based Augmented Reality on iPhone or iPad, by Khvedchenia Ievgen. Ch3) Marker-less Augmented Reality, by Khvedchenia Ievgen. Ch4) Exploring Structure from Motion using OpenCV, by Roy Shilkrot. Ch5) Number Plate Recognition using SVM and Neural Networks, by David Escrivá. Ch6) Non-rigid Face Tracking, by Jason Saragih. Ch7) 3D Head Pose Estimation using AAM and POSIT, by Daniel Lélis Baggio. Ch8) Face Recognition using Eigenfaces or Fisherfaces, by Shervin Emami. Ch9) Developing Fluid Wall using the Microsoft Kinect, by Naureen Mahmood.