资源说明:In this issue you will learn about Cisco IOS, whis is the predominant OS for networking devices on the internet. Cisco IOS has evolved an advanced feature set in the CLI and flexible scripting abilities that provide the network administrator with onboard real-time network event detection, automated network recovery functions, and other
valuable capabilities. These features, however, may also be used to exploit critical network devices, network traffic traversing these devices and act as a launch point for further attacks into a network. In the article Cisco IOS Rootkits and Malware: A Practical Guide Jason Nehbross will show you how to exploit critical network devices, network traffic traversing these devices and act as a launch point for further attacks into a network You will also learn about a self replicating IOS worm with stealth features and self defense mechanisms, all with platform independent code. The article Taking control, Functions to DLL injection Written by Dr Craig Wright is going to follow from
previous articles as well as going into some of the fundamentals that you will need in order to understand the code exploitation process.