Magento 1.8 Development Cookbook
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资源说明:Chapter 1: Getting Started with Magento 7 Introduction 7 Preparing the development environment 8 Installing Magento with sample data 11 Adding version control to the source code 15 Configuring the development tools 18 Chapter 2: Theming 23 Introduction 23 Configuring Magento themes and packages 23 Creating your first theme 27 Adding extra files to your theme 31 Adding jQuery support 33 Changing a page title 35 Working with translations 36 Understanding the theming block system 38 Adding widgets to the layout 40 Chapter 3: Working with Products 43 Introduction 43 Setting up the catalog defaults 44 Working with attribute sets 47 Working with product types 51 Adding a Facebook like button 54 Adding a product to the cart through querystring 57 Embedding a YouTube video 58 Changing the URL of a product page 59 ii Table of Contents Chapter 4: Creating a Module 63 Introduction 63 Creating files 63 Registering blocks, helpers, and models 65 Adding a new page 68 Adding a layout file 70 Adding a translation file 72 Adding a block of new products 74 Rewriting a core class 76 Chapter 5: Database Concepts 79 Introduction 79 Finding your way in the tables 79 Creating a database connection in Magento 83 Working with flat tables 85 Working with EAV tables 87 Configuring a Master/Slave setup 90 Repairing the database 95 Chapter 6: Databases and Modules 97 Introduction 97 Registering the resource models 97 Registering connections 100 Installing and upgrading scripts 101 Creating a flat table with models 104 Working with Magento collections 110 Chapter 7: Magento Backend 119 Introduction 119 Registering a backend controller 119 Extending the menu 122 Adding an ACL 124 Extending the system configuration 127 Creating a grid from a database table 133 Adding customer attributes 139 Working with source models 141 Chapter 8: Event Handlers and Cronjobs 145 Introduction 145 Understanding Magento event types 146 Creating your own event 149 Adding an event observer 150 Introducing cronjobs 154 iii Table of Contents Creating a new cronjob 157 Testing your new cronjob 159 Chapter 9: Creating a Shipping Module 163 Introduction 163 Initializing module configurations 164 Writing an adapter model 170 Extending the shipping method features 173 Adding the module in the frontend 175 Chapter 10: Creating a Product Slider Widget 179 Introduction 179 Creating an empty module 180 Registering helpers and blocks 181 Creating a widget configuration file 182 Creating a block and the template files 185 Creating a custom configuration parameter 191 Finalizing the theming 197 Chapter 11: Performance Optimization 203 Introduction 203 Exploring the limits of a website 204 Optimizing the database and MySQL configuration 213 Optimizing the Apache web server 216 Tuning the Magento configurations 219 Configuring APC and Memcached 222 Optimizing the PHP configurations 227 Analyzing the page speed 228 Chapter 12: Debugging and Unit Testing 233 Introduction 233 Getting started with Xdebug 234 Debugging with FirePHP 240 Installing PHPUnit 243 Creating a Magento test case 245 Index 251