资源说明:Title: C/C++ <-> Matlab types convertor
Brief: Bidirectional conversion between C/C++ types (native, STL, openCV...) and Matlab matrix (compile or run time).
Key words: C, C++, mxArray, OpenCV, IplImage, iterator, mex, engine
Consider below scenarios (especially when programming with signal/speech/image processing and scientific computation):
1 Dumping C/C++ data into Matlab workspace in run-time to visualize data and facilitate debugging. But calling engine APIs directly seems not to be that convenient.
2 Implementing underlying algorithm as mex file to accelarate m file. Each time you must convert mxArray to C/C++ types, do some job, and finally convert C/C++ types back to returned mxArray.
This project provides easy access to above tasks given appropriate iterators (refer to any C++ STL textbook if iterator seems nothing to you).