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资源说明:This paper proposes and analyzes a mathematical model on an infectious disease system with a piecewise smooth incidence rate concerning media/psychological eect. The proposed models extend the classic models with media coverage by including a piecewise smooth incidence rate to repre- sent that the reduction factor because of media coverage depends on both the number of cases and the rate of changes in case number. On the basis of prop- erties of Lambert W function the implicitly dened model has been converted into a piecewise smooth system with explicit denition, and the global dynamic behavior is theoretically examined. The disease-free is globally asymptotically stable when a certain threshold is less than unity, while the endemic equilib- rium is globally asymptotically stable for otherwise. The media/psychological impact although does not aect the epidemic threshold, delays the epidemic peak and results in a lower size of outbreak (or equilibrium level of infected individuals).