The Art of C++
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资源说明:请注意本书不是入门教程,一本面向中高级C++开发者的书,对于某些章节,例如AI的应用,最好有一定的基础才方便阅读。原书的内容概述如下。特别提示:本书各章节相对独立,可以分开阅读。 What’s Inside (The Art of C++) This book is different from most other books on C++. Whereas other books teach the basics of the language, this book shows how to apply it to a wide range of interesting, useful, and, at times, mysterious programming tasks. In the process, it displays the power and elegance of the C++ language. Thus, it is through the art of C++ that the artistry of C++’s design is displayed. In general, the book contains two types of applications. The first type I call “pure code” because they focus on expanding the C++ programming environment, itself. The garbage collector in Chapter 2, the thread control panel in Chapter 3, and the custom STL container in Chapter 8 are examples. The second type shows how C++ can be applied to a variety of computing tasks. For example, Chapter 5 develops a restartable Internet downloader, Chapter 6 shows how to create financial applications, and Chapter 8 applies C++ to Artificial Intelligence. The book ends with a unique and interesting piece of code: the Mini C++ interpreter, which interprets a small subset of C++. Mini C++ gives insight into how the keywords and syntax of C++ work together to create the grammar of the language. Moreover, it lets you get “inside the language,” showing some of the reasons behind C++’s design. Although Mini C++ is fun to use as-is, it can also serve as a starting point for your own language development, or be adapted to work as an interpreter for any other language. Each chapter develops code that you can use as-is, without changes. For example, the garbage collector in Chapter 2 is applicable to many programming tasks. However, the real benefits result when you use the applications as starting points for your own development. For example, the Internet file downloader in Chapter 8 could be enhanced to start a download at a specific time, or to watch a download site, waiting to download until an updated file is posted. In general, think of the various programs and subsystems as launching pads for your own projects.