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资源说明:ize=30.000000pt]about this book [size=10.000000pt]The Spring Framework was created with a very specific goal in mind—to make devel-oping Java EE applications easier. Along the same lines, [size=10.000000pt]Spring in Action, Fourth Edition[size=10.000000pt]was written to make learning how to use Spring easier. My goal is not to give you ablow-by-blow listing of Spring [size=9.000000pt]API[size=10.000000pt]s. Instead, I hope to present the Spring Frameworkin a way that is most relevant to a Java EE developer by providing practical code exam-ples from real-world experiences. Since Spring is a modular framework, this book waswritten in the same way. I recognize that not all developers have the same needs. Somemay want to learn the Spring Framework from the ground up, while others may wantto pick and choose different topics and go at their own pace. That way, the book canact as a tool for learning Spring for the first time as well as a guide and reference forthose wanting to dig deeper into specific features. [size=10.000000pt]Spring in Action, Fourth Edition [size=10.000000pt]is for all Java developers, but enterprise Java develop-ers will find it particularly useful. While I will guide you along gently through codeexamples that build in complexity throughout each chapter, the true power of Springlies in its ability to make enterprise applications easier to develop. Therefore, enter-prise developers will most fully appreciate the examples presented in this book.Because a vast portion of Spring is devoted to providing enterprise services, many par-allels can be drawn between Spring and EJB.