Transmission Sequence Design and Allocation for Wide Area Ad Hoc Networks
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资源说明:In this paper we examine the question of designing and allocating transmission sequences to users in a mobile ad hoc network that has no spatially boundary. A basic tenet of the transmission sequence approach for addressing the media access control problem is that under normal operation conditions, there is no feedback based re-transmissions. This obviously is a major departure from the Slotted- ALOHA or CSMA type approaches. While these latter solutions enjoy excellent throughput performance, a fundamental drawback is that they are based on information feedback. For systems in which there is no unique, naturally defined central controller playing the role of a base station, the task of providing the feedback information could easily become unmanageable. A second issue addressed by the transmission sequence approach is the capability to handle unlimited spatial coverage. We will propose a concept for media access control that is akin to the concept of frequency reuse. However, instead of reusing frequency division, the proposed approach allows transmission sequences be reused.