Unity Studio beta 4
文件大小: 1467k
源码售价: 10 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Current features: Compatible with all Unity versions from 2.5.0 to 4.5.3f3 Compatible with Web, PC, iOS, Android, PS3, Xbox 360, OSX and Linux games/apps Automatically merges .split files from Android games Able to load audio streams from .resS files Search filter Real-time preview window and export function for textures, audio clips, shaders and fonts Textures: DDS (Alpha8bpp, ARGB16bpp, RGB24bpp, ARGB32bpp, BGRA32bpp, RGB565, DXT1, DXT5, RGBA16bpp) PVR (PVRTC_RGB2, PVRTC_RGBA2, PVRTC_RGBA4, PVRTC_RGB4, ETC_RGB4) Audio clips: mp3, ogg, wav, xbox wav Shader files are exported in plain-text Fonts: ttf, otf PVR textures from iOS & Android are not previewed at the moment; use PVRTexTool to open them. Materials and meshes are useless if exported as standalone files because they need to be linked together with transformation assets (position, rotation scale) and textures in order to get proper 3D models. Which is why I'm developing a separate function to export 3D content into FBX. Hopefully it will be ready soon.