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资源说明:Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux 2 Kali Linux 2 (2016) is an Ethical Hacking platform that allows good guys to use the same tools and techniques that a hacker would use, so they can find security issues before the bad guys do. In Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux 2, you will learn basic examples of how hackers find out information about your company, find weaknesses in your security and how they gain access to your system. Completely updated for 2016, this step-by-step guide covers: Kali Linux Introduction and Overview Shodan (the “Hacker’s Google”) Metasploit Tutorials Exploiting Windows and Linux Systems Escalating Privileges in Windows Cracking Passwords and Obtaining Clear Text Passwords Wi-Fi Attacks Kali on a Raspberry Pi Securing your Network And Much More! Though no computer can be completely “Hacker Proof” knowing how an attacker works will help put you on the right track of better securing your network! Table of Contents Chapter 1 What is Kali Linux? Chapter 2 Installing Virtual Machines Chapter 3 Introduction to Kali Linux Chapter 4 Reconnaissance with Recon-NG Chapter 5 Shodan Chapter 6 Additional Recon Tools Chapter 7 Introduction to Metasploit Chapter 8 Meterpreter Shell Chapter 9 Metasploitable Tutorial - Part One Chapter 10 Metasploitable - Part Two: Scanners Chapter 11 Windows AV Bypass with Veil-Evasion Chapter 12 Windows Privilege Escalation by Bypassing UAC Chapter 13 Packet Captures and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Chapter 14 Automatic MitM Attacks with Subterfuge Chapter 15 Social Engineering Introduction Chapter 16 The Social Engineering Toolkit Chapter 17 Using the Browser Exploitation Framework Chapter 18 Cracking Simple LM Hashes Chapter 19 Pass the Hash Chapter 20 Wordlists Chapter 21 HashCat Chapter 22 Cracking Linux Passwords Chapter 23 Mimikatz Plain Text Passwords Chapter 24 Keyscan, Lockout Keylogger, and Step Recorder Chapter 25 Wireless Network Attacks Chapter 26 Fern WIFI Cracker Chapter 27 Wi-Fi Testing with WiFite Chapter 28 Rouge Wi-Fi Router Attacks with Mana Chapter 29 Kismet Chapter 30 Installing Kali on a Raspberry PI Chapter 31 Wireless Security Testing with Raspberry Pi Chapter 32 Network Defense and Conclusion