On computing the global time optimal motions of robotic manipulators
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资源说明:method for computing the time-optimal motions or robotic manipulators is presented that considers the nonlinear manipulator dynamics, actuator constraints, joint limits, and obstacles. Using a previously developed method for computing the time-optimal motions along specified paths, the optimization problem is reduced to a search for the time-optimal path in the n-dimensional position space. A small set of near-optimal paths are first efficiently selected from a grid, using a branch and bound search and a series of lower bound estimates on the traveling time along a given path. These paths are further optimized with a local path optimization to yield the global optimal solution. Obstacles are considered by eliminating the collision points from the tessellated space and by adding a penalty function to the motion time in the local optimization. The computational efficiency of the method stems from the reduced dimensionality of the searched space and from combin- ing the grid search with a local optimization. The method is demonstrated in several examples for two- and six-degree-of- freedom manipulators with obstacles.