Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.2
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资源说明:unity游戏对话系统Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.2 Requires Unity 5.3.6 or higher. Version 1.x to 2.x Upgrade Instructions Need version 1.xContact us. Dialogue System for Unity makes it easy to add interactive dialogue and quests to your game. It's a complete, robust solution including a visual node-based editor, dialogue UIs, cutscenes, quest logs, save/load, and more. The core is a lean, efficient conversation system. A large collection of included, optional add-ons make it quick and easy to drop conversations into your project and integrate them with other products. No sc ripting is required, and complete C# source is included. Cinemachine & Timeline Integration! Editor: Visual, node-based dialogue editor Importers for Chat Mapper, articy:draft 1/2/3, Ink, Neverwinter Nights, Talkit, and CSV I2 Localization support Engine: Dynamic, branching conversation trees Barks and alerts Cutscenes (audio, animation, etc.) Quick Time Events (QTEs) Quest system