资源说明:This project presents a flexible, widely customizable CAN communication interface for embedded applications. It binds signal based application code to the frame based hardware layer. It covers the CAN stack from the application layer down to the hardware driver layer (not including).
The interface implementation is code generator supported; the dedicated API with the application software and the unpack/pack functions for message (de)composition can be generated from information in the network databases. A sample integration demonstrates, how to generate much more: Setting initial signal values, DLC check, checksum generation/validation, sequence counter generation/validation and the implementation of different timing patterns is generated in a fully automated fashion. Attributes defined in the DBC file(s) support the automation.
We call this project a framework since the interface should be considered a suggestion only; the high flexibility of the code generation process makes it easy to design different interface architectures, which can reach a similar degree of automation with respect to changes of the network database(s).