资源说明:We consider the problem of the joint denoising of a number of raw-
data images from a digital imaging sensor. In particular, we exploit
a recently proposed image modeling [8] that incorporates both the
signal-dependent nature of noise and the clipping of the data due to
under- or over-exposure of the sensor.
Our denoising approach is based on the V-BM3D algorithm [5],
coupled with a set of homomorphic pre- and post-processing trans-
formations derived for variance-stabilization, debiasing, and declip-
ping [6]. The spatio-temporal nonlocality of V-BM3D frees us from
the need of an explicit registration of the frames. It results in a prac-
tical algorithm directly applicable to raw-data processing, in partic-
ular for heavy-noise conditions such those encountered in low-light
imaging or imaging at fast shutter speeds.