文件大小: 5653k
源码售价: 10 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Course Description Animating fluids like water, smoke, and fire by physics-based simulation is increasingly important in visual effects and is starting to make an impact in real-time games. This course goes from the basics of 3D fluid flow to the state of the art in graphics. We will begin with an intuitive explanation of the important concepts in fluid simulation, and as we progress demonstrate how to implement an effective smoke and water simulation system, complete with irregular curved boundaries and surface tension. The last half of the course will cover advanced topics such as fire and explosions, adaptive grid methods, real-time-capable algorithms together with the latest technology in hardware acceleration, and non-Newtonian fluids like sand. Intuition and implementation details will be underscored throughout. Level of Difficulty: Advanced