Using TCP Through Sockets.pdf
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资源说明:This document provides an introduction to using sockets on Unix systems with a focus on asynchronous I/O. We first cover the basics of Unix file I/O and then discuss the use of sockets to communicate over a network using TCP. Section three describes the use of nonblocking I/O to improve performance and presents, as an example, an asynchronous finger client. Finally, a library that simplifies the use of asynchronous sockets is presented. Readers of this document are assumed to be proficient in the C and C++ programming languages including template classes and be comfortable using a Unix operating system to develop programs. Detailed knowledge of network standards or Unix I/O is not required. Noting the following typesetting conventions may assist the reader: words set in sans serif type (such as open) are Unix system calls; any text set in a mono spaced font (such as nbytes) is either a C code fragment or a C object or name.