Kinect v2 Examples with MS-SDK v2.13 with SDK2.unitypackage
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资源说明:This is a set of Kinect-v2 (aka ‘Kinect for Xbox One’) examples that use several major scripts, grouped in one folder. The package contains over thirty demo scenes. Apart of Kinect-v2 and v1 sensors, the K2-package supports the Nuitrack body tracking SDK, as well as Orbbec Astra & Astra-Pro sensors. Please mind, the support for Nuitrack SDK and Orbbec Astra sensors is in early stage, and issues are possible. The avatar-demo scenes show how to utilize Kinect-controlled avatars in your scenes, gesture-demos – how to use the programmatic or VGB gestures, fitting room demos – how to create your own dressing room, overlay demos – how to utilize the joint overlays, etc. You can find short descriptions of all demo-scenes in the K2-asset online documentation. This package works with Kinect-v2, Kinect-v1 (aka Kinect for Xbox One & Kinect for Xbox 360), Nuitrack supported sensors, and Orbbec Astra sensors. It can be used in all versions of Unity – Free, Plus & Pro.