unity Obfuscator Pro 3.3.zip
文件大小: 1006k
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资源说明:unity代码混淆加密插件Obfuscator Pro 3.3 此扩展要求每个用户一份授权 要求Unity 5.6.1 或更高版本。 Obfuscator Pro is developed to increase software and game security especially for games build with Unity3d. It feature is to obfuscate built dotNet assemblies, like assembly-csharp and assembly-unityscript for Windows/Mac/Linux Standalone Games and embedded Systems like Android and IPhone. Beta: Xbox and Playstation. Obfuscator Pro considers specific Unity features, like MonoBehaviour, NetworkBehaviours, Serialization, Reflection, and so on, to allow a easy and out of the box working obfuscator. Obfuscator Pro features reachs from simple renaming: – Namespaces – Classes (also MonoBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour) – Fields – Propertys – Events – Methods Up to Method content obfuscation and advanced features like: – Adding random code – Make classes unreadable (so classes cannot get directly decompiled) – String Obfuscation