资源说明:btScan 是一个 Python 开发的批量漏洞扫描验证和利用框架 。脚本存在两种验证模式,一种是通过加载模块,另一种是通过配置文件。复杂的可以通过加载脚本,简单的通过加载配置文件即可。然后攻击也有两种模式,验证
你也可以指定ip或者url作为输入格式,也可以自动获取ip或者url,那就是配合crawl文件下的网络空间抓取模块。使用方法:python btScan.py
usage: btScan.py [options]
* batch vulnerability verification and exploition framework. *
By he1m4n6a
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t THREADS Num of scan threads for each scan process, 20 by default
-m MODE select mode [config|script]
e.g. -m script
-n NAME from node floder choose a script
-c COMMAND give an instruction when use script mode [verify|exploit]
e.g. -c verify
-u URL_FILE input url file
-i IP_FILE input ip file
-autoIP get ip from space search engine and auto attack
-autoURL get url from space search engine and auto attack
-v show program's version number and exit