Web Exploit Finder.7z
文件大小: 421k
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资源说明:os Internet Services What is the Web Exploit Finder? © Benjamin Mack, xnos Internet Services, www.xnos.de, June 1 st 2007 Introduction  A lot of software connects to the internet  Security threats occur through remote code execution after buffer overflows  Can happen to every piece of software © Benjamin Mack, xnos Internet Services, www.xnos.de, June 1 st 2007 The Problem  Focus on internet browsers  Both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox still include several vulnerabilities  Primary user interfaces to the WWW  Browsers are used most frequently  Many non-technical users © Benjamin Mack, xnos Internet Services, www.xnos.de, June 1 st 2007 The Problem  Many users don't install security updates  Even fully patched systems are vulnerable to zero-day exploits  Unknown amount of malicious sites on the web How can we find these malicious websites?