资源说明:Over time, sensors have morphed from simple analog and mechanical constructs to chip-based digital devices that connect to a machine to monitor the machine’s health as well as environmental conditions. Similarly, sensor fusion — multiple types of sensors working together to solve a problem — has combined the threads of many other technologies to create something very new and exciting.
The idea of using a computational device to sort out the data from multiple sensors and combine information to draw a conclusion has been around since at least the 1950s. But it was exceptionally difficult to do. Around 1960, several mathematicians developed sets of algorithms in an effort to have a machine draw a conclusion based on input from multiple sensors. These filters also removed meaningless data from noise or other sources. Of course, it wasn’t long before the military decided that this technology would be useful in their applications. Being able to process inputs from multiple sources and compare it with stored data would allow the military to better track and identify potential airborne targets and even compute the certainty of the results. With better computers and sensors, the technology was advancing, but there were still complex and expensive problems to solve.
微机电系统(MEMS)在现代传感器融合中扮演了重要角色。MEMS技术能够制造出微型传感器,具有高精度、低功耗和低成本的特点,广泛应用于各种领域。例如,Atmel的ATAVRSBIN2多功能传感器开发工具,Freescale的FXLC95000 Xtrinsic运动感应平台,以及STMicroelectronics的MEMS加速度计,都是MEMS技术在传感器融合领域的实际应用实例。
1. 自动驾驶:通过集成的激光雷达、摄像头、超声波等多种传感器,实现车辆对周围环境的精确感知,确保安全行驶。
2. 智能家居:结合温湿度传感器、光照传感器等,优化家庭环境,实现自动化控制。
3. 健康监测:通过心率传感器、血压计等,实时监控人体健康状况。
4. 工业自动化:在生产线上,多传感器融合可提高产品质量检测和设备维护的效率。
5. 航空航天:在飞机和卫星中,传感器融合有助于提升导航精度和飞行安全性。
众多知名供应商如Atmel、Bosch Sensortec、Fairchild Semiconductor、Freescale Semiconductor、Honeywell Sensing and Control、Microchip Technology、NXP Semiconductors、STMicroelectronics和Texas Instruments等,都在不断推出新的传感器融合解决方案,推动这一领域的技术创新和发展。