Development of a Perceptually Calibrated Objective Metric for Exposure Quality
资源说明:This study aims at developing an image quality metric for
exposure quality, with a transform to just noticeable differences
(JNDs) of quality in pictorial scenes. Such a perceptually calibrated
exposure metric would allow the prediction of overall image quality
by combining exposure with other image attributes. Eight pictorial
images were used in the study, and twenty-one observers
participated in the subjective evaluation using a softcopy quality
ruler method defined in ISO 20462 Part 3. The image simulation
path involved seven levels of exposure manipulation, together with
two variations in tone mapping algorithms (a global tone mapping
algorithm and a local tone mapping algorithm). For each pictorial
scene a second image was captured with an exposure target in the
scene, allowing the measurement of the scene exposure level. The
results showed that an objective metric based on the green channel
intensity of the exposure target could be used to predict the optimal
exposure level and the quality falloff due to exposure error.