Highlight Plus 4.0.unitypackage.zip
文件大小: 10523k
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资源说明:插件 资源名称: Highlight Plus 4.0 资源版本: 4.0 资源类型: .unitypackage 资源大小: 10.2MB 更新时间: 2020-05-15 支持正版: ↓↓↓↓↓↓插件仅用于学习,禁止商用,为了维护您的个人权益,请支持正版↓↓↓↓↓↓ 官网地址: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/particles-effects/highlight-plus-134149 Highlight Plus为场景中的任何3D对象添加轮廓、辉光、覆盖、透视和其他效果。 HP在设计时考虑到了平台兼容性和性能。 ** 特征 ** Outline color, alpha and width. Outer glow color, width, alpha, animation speed, dithering, multi-colored. Inner glow color, width and intensity. Overlay color, alpha and animation speed. See-Through effect intensity, tint color and alpha. Occluded objects keep their correct depth. Plus additional colored border option. Target effect with customizable transition, animation, texture and color. Also compatible with Skinned Meshes. In addition to highlight a target you can now focus attention to any number of locations with this new feature.