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  • fluxus-0.16.tar.gz ... prototyping livecoding environment written in C++ and extensible in scheme/lisp it allows fast/easy interaction with a opengl stack which can generate procedural visuals as well as sound, perfect for game prototyping or rapid evaluation of simple and ...
  • HanoiStack.rar 建立抽象基类栈Stack及其派生类顺序栈,然后利用栈实现汉诺塔问题的非递归算法。
  • lwip-1.3.0.zip lwip mini-tcp/ip stack
  • mjsip_doc_1.6.zip MJSip document - open source impl of SIP stack in java (reference impl) Consists of all the files required to be used in conjunction with softphone dev.
  • JN-AN-1123-ZBPro-Application-Template.zip Zigbee stack aplication note
  • bluz.zip Blue tooth protocol stack information
  • 01163a.rar ... discusses and provides a HID device function driver that can be integrated with almost any application running on Microchip 32-bit PIC® microcontroller products with USB peripheral. The HID function driver uses the Microchip PIC32 USB device stack.
  • CMP.Books.Designing.Embedded.Communications.Softw ... second group of people would obtain an idea of some of the other issues in the system – for example, protocol stack developers would learn about system architecture and software. The audience also includes practicing embedded engineers who are just ...
  • stack.rar 数据结构第三章中栈和队列的源程序,实现了全部算法
  • Desktop.rar stack based OverFlow