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  • HPA_PARAMETER_SETTINGS.zip High Power Amplifier Modeling for TWTA(Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier) and SSPA (Solid-State Power Amplifier)
  • wileymultiagentsystems.rar ... cial Intelligence communities with a strong applications/technologies focus. The books will provide timely, accurate and reliable information about the state of the art to researchers and developers in the Telecommunications and Computing sectors.
  • simple_state_machine_example.rar This is a simple example of a state machine. Intially you can input text into the upper text box. Then you can enter text only to the 2nd text box. Then both are emptied by the timer and the process repeats.
  • power_wind_dfig_det.rar ... Distributed Resources application library does not simulate because the Initial state vector is not defined. There is a .MAT file associated ... executed at the simulation start in order to define an initial state vector that starts the model in steady state. ...
  • ComboTree.rar ... boxes can take up a lot of screen space and can be awkward to use. A dropdown tree control can be a good replacement. As an option, the ComboTree supports a tree with three-state checkboxes for convenient multiple selection from a hierarchy of choices.
  • qpc_4.0.04.zip Lightweight, open source, state machine framework for embedded systems
  • AN_QP_and_Cortex-M3.zip Lightweight, open source, state machine framework for embedded systems
  • tpc.zip ... model of IS-95A CDMA reverse traffic channel power control. Includes reverse traffic channel physical layer, together with open and closed loop algorithms for base station and mobile implemented as state machines with Stateflow. MATLAB 6.5 (R13)
  • CsharpHTTPServer.zip A small HTTP server built in C#. In it s current state, it only supports only the GET method, but can be extended to support any method in the RFC2616 standard. For cases where you only need a small, extensible web server to build off of, and you don t ...
  • ekf.zip The state space model is nonlinear and is input to the function along with the current measurement. The function performs the extended Kalman filter update and returns the estimated next state and error covariance MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)