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  • DE-SAGE.zip This is the Matlab code that performs Reverisble jump MCMC by a faculty at Ohio State Univ.
  • FSM-design.zip An overview of Finite State Machines. FSMs are an important aspect of FPGA and CPLD desig using VHDL and Verilog
  • FSMHandouts.rar Finite state machines on VHDL source codes and handouts
  • aer_wrappers.zip ... stands for Line-by-Line Radiative Transfer model. It is an advanced and highly-configurable radiative transfer model that employs state-of-the art treatment of advanced spectroscopic principles. Go to http://rtweb.aer.com/lblrtm.html Many thanks to ...
  • C2.zip ... can be displayed by typing: s1. SYS=s1(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
  • S2.zip ... on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to ... be returned in SYS. Setting FLAG=1 causes s1 to return state derivatives, FLAG=2 discrete states, FLAG=3 system outputs and ...
  • S3.zip ... diagram can be displayed by typing: s3. SYS=s3(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
  • S4.rar ... can be displayed by typing: s4. SYS=s4(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
  • C4.zip ... can be displayed by typing: smg. SYS=smg(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
  • s4.zip ... can be displayed by typing: s4. SYS=s4(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.