... be used as a menu. It mimics side menu that usually used in websites. It has flat design and highly customizable. It supports two menu levels (menu and sub menu). Each menu can have a glyph that is supplied by an image list. It has hover state effect too.
... be defined as unwanted signal that interferes with the communication or measurement of another signal.
Noise conveys information regarding the source of the noise, e.g. the noise from a car engine conveys information regarding the state of the engine.
Compute the output of a general delta-sigma modulator with input u,
a structure described by ABCD, an initial state x0 (default zero) and
a quantizer with a number of levels specified by nlev.
Multiple quantizers are implied by making nlev an ...
Final state machine written on VHDL in Quartus II. Imple. Implements the working principle of a sensor which detect the spinning direction (e.g. a motor) and depending on the direction a DuplexCounter is set to "up" or "down" mode.
It is about state vector machine.