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  • Feedbacklinearizacijaulazstanje.rar Feedback linearization input - state
  • NiceSideBar.zip ... be used as a menu. It mimics side menu that usually used in websites. It has flat design and highly customizable. It supports two menu levels (menu and sub menu). Each menu can have a glyph that is supplied by an image list. It has hover state effect too.
  • periodicsignal.zip ... be defined as unwanted signal that interferes with the communication or measurement of another signal. Noise conveys information regarding the source of the noise, e.g. the noise from a car engine conveys information regarding the state of the engine.
  • number_state_high_level_programming_VB_spying_prog VB高级编程QQ号码状态刺探程序经典代码QQ number of state high-level programming VB spying program classic code
  • VC_programming_three_state_multi_directory_selecti VC编程三态树多目录选择功能源码VC programming three-state multi-directory selection function source tree
  • sessionstate.rar explains session state concept.
  • working_with_statemachine.zip state machine development in labview
  • simulateDSM.rar Compute the output of a general delta-sigma modulator with input u, a structure described by ABCD, an initial state x0 (default zero) and a quantizer with a number of levels specified by nlev. Multiple quantizers are implied by making nlev an ...
  • FSM_3.rar Final state machine written on VHDL in Quartus II. Imple. Implements the working principle of a sensor which detect the spinning direction (e.g. a motor) and depending on the direction a DuplexCounter is set to "up" or "down" mode.
  • svm.zip It is about state vector machine.